module hipddf;
 * HipDDF = Hipreme D Data Format, based on the D syntax 
 *  Version: 0.3:
 *      - Supports basic types, and arrays.
 *      - Associative array support
 *      - __FILE__ and __LINE__ keywords
 *  Planned to future:
 *      1.0 : Data parsing only
 *      1.1 : Concatenation support for string and arrays
 *      1.2 : Arithmetic operations
 *      1.3 : Self reference values
 *      1.4 : Aliases 

public import hipddf.parser : parseHipDDF;
public import hipddf.types;

enum HipDDFSample = q{
    *   HipDDF sample of how it works. This file is being used as a test too for each supported thing.
    int[] testArray_Multi = 

    int a = 500;
    int b = a;

    string multiLineStringTest = "
    Lorem ipsum this is really boring.
    " //Look! Optional semicolon (maybe only for now)

    int lineCheckerTest = __LINE__;
    int[] testArray_Single = [1, 4, 30, 90, 99];
    string abilityType = "Test helper";

    int[string] testAA = [
        "ABC" : 500,
        "Hundred" : 100

    int[4] testArray_Bounded = [
    int[10] testArray_Value = 5;